Immersive journalism: using virtual reality to tell the story | Nonny de la Peña | TEDxBerlin TEDx Talks 14:48 8 years ago 6 250 Далее Скачать
Journalism in the Age of Virtual Reality: Nonny de la Pena (Future of StoryTelling 2014) Future of StoryTelling 4:53 10 years ago 15 547 Далее Скачать
The Impact of Immersive Journalism with Nonny de la Peña | The Future of StoryTelling Podcast Future of StoryTelling 31:13 3 weeks ago 33 Далее Скачать
Nonny de la Peña: Godmother of VR Delivers Immersive Journalism to Tell Stories LDV Capital 10:14 2 years ago 136 Далее Скачать
The Future of News? Virtual Reality | Nonny de la Peña | TED Talks TED 9:28 9 years ago 83 816 Далее Скачать
Immersive Journalism: Putting the audience in the story | Nonny de la Peña | TEDxOlympicBlvdWomen TEDx Talks 15:47 7 years ago 2 896 Далее Скачать
Project Syria: An Immersive Journalism Experience Nonny de la Peña 4:13 10 years ago 55 507 Далее Скачать
Nonny de la Peña on the Future of Immersive Journalism | SXSW Sit Down SXSW 2:20 4 years ago 2 517 Далее Скачать
Nonny de la Peña: Immersive Media Past, Present and Future xtropia 45:46 3 years ago 11 Далее Скачать
re:publica 2015 - James Pallot: Immersive Journalism: Using virtual reality for news and n... re:publica 51:10 9 years ago 1 220 Далее Скачать
Why is Empathy Stronger in 3D Virtual Reality Immersives? | Nonny de la Peña, Kent Bye Virtual Reality Curation by Steven Chang 3:48 5 years ago 155 Далее Скачать
In-VR Interview: Nonny de la Peña, Immersive Journalism Pioneer UploadVR 29:20 4 years ago 493 Далее Скачать
Creating Virtual Reality: Nonny de la Peña on Dialogue Idaho Public Television 28:49 7 years ago 233 Далее Скачать
Immersive Journalism: Using Gaming Platforms For News And Non-Fiction - Nonny de la Pena Power to the Pixel 21:12 9 years ago 75 Далее Скачать